Are you guys tracking Santa? I know I On Norad/Google Maps I am seeing where he is. I want to be up when he is coming to my house :)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to everyone on&from Stardoll.
Are you guys tracking Santa? I know I On Norad/Google Maps I am seeing where he is. I want to be up when he is coming to my house :)
Are you guys tracking Santa? I know I On Norad/Google Maps I am seeing where he is. I want to be up when he is coming to my house :)
Monday, October 10, 2011
"In the Blink of an Eye"
Everyday to every few days if I find a magnificent outfit on Star doll I will post it on here and you will be a star on this blog in the blink of an eye! What do you think? You like this new way to become famous? Your name,picture of the outfit and link to your suite will be posted. No way to enter. Just be beautiful and you may be caught "In the Blink of an Eye"
Everyday to every few days if I find a magnificent outfit on Star doll I will post it on here and you will be a star on this blog in the blink of an eye! What do you think? You like this new way to become famous? Your name,picture of the outfit and link to your suite will be posted. No way to enter. Just be beautiful and you may be caught "In the Blink of an Eye"
Skin Color Available to All

Stardoll's latest new beta is 'Starmovie'. It sounds like you can use your dressups in it(friends or famous dressups) and make sound and more. For this first week it's only 3 sd. I can't find it anywhere and I hear rumors that it is coming out tomorow. I'll keep you updated for what else we hear.
Hotbuys Jacket

Pet-o-Porter Halloween
The pet-o-porter Halloween edition is out! They are still the same 100sd and only for superstar or royalty(sigh). They aren't really my taste but what do you think? I'd hate to see these things when they grow to be full size!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Halloween Furniture!
Hotbuys Necklace

See the similarities? They look the exact same. Unlike other hotbuys, this one is the same as the original. The original is by Fenton. I'm not going to be buying it. I'm not too much into the Aztec-y looking jewelry. Will you be buying it?
October Halloween Pass

The new Halloween Pass gives you 200 star dollars, 300 star coins and one free Halloween outfit. I have not yet found the Halloween outfit but tomorrow so I will keep you updated.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Pink Ribbon Month for Stardoll
There is a new 'Pink Ribbon' calendar on Stardoll. Since it's pink ribbon month( a month dedicated to breast cancer) Star doll is giving away some breast cancer prevention items. This is a nice dedication to those who have had breast cancer, who will have it, and those who currently have it.

Here are just a few of the new rooms in the store 'Museum Mile.' It has famous artwork in there from the past. It is a limited store so hurry up and get your art fast! Some things are non ss which is nice for a change. What do you think of these new items? Not like anything seen before on Star doll...huh?
Fall into Autumn Contest& Free Cardigan
Enter the 'Fall into Autumn' contest. For USA members only! Once you enter you get a free superstar red cardigan that is really cute! It is just a questionare of what you think of Autumn. Isn't that cute? Well that's my opinion.

What do you think of this? Comment below!
Breaking Dawn Contest& Free Fangs
The new Breaking Dawn contest on Star doll came out for Twilight fans. I'm not sure why it came out so early due to Twilight Breaking Dawn part 1 coming out in November...don't ask but anyway! There are free fangs. You may not see them when you open the gift since they are white but they are on the table in the jewelry section of your beauty parlor. Move your mouse around until it turns to the finger and click it and drag them into the jewelry box and you will see them then. You received two fangs.
Sorry I haven't been on!
I'm SO sorry I haven't been active on here! It has been a month but I'm back! New principal at school and a LOT of changes I had to get used to including 2 hours of homework EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! But I have gotten to handle it and I'm back so agian to apologize. Also to my followers I am really really sorry!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Stardoll's new mistake,sigh. Yet this is a good thing for us it shows another screw-up from Stardoll. I don't know how long it will be there, though I stumbled upon an ANTIDOTE Ikat Print dress for 16 STARDOLLARS in the 'New' items tab in Starplaza. If your looking for Antidote rares you better go scoop up this one fast! It may only be there for a matter of hours!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
How to own more than one club! stardoll glitch
So ,if you are non-superstar and you want to own 2 or 3 clubs at a time it possible ...yes it is is a stardoll glitch that always works in clubs .
- Join a new club .
- Go to your clubs section it will say that you are only in one club which is the club you just joined.
- Click create club and voila you have a new club.
~Emy </3 cyber bullying~
(new signature)
Friday, September 2, 2011
Labor Day Contest and Freebie
Due to Labor Day Weekend approaching Stardoll is having a contest quiz with a freebie to celebrate! It is a brown tote bag. Don't worry even if you get the questions wrong you get the prize anyway! What do you think of this freebie? Feel free to comment!

Not running for msw!
Well first ,I have to apologize about not posting for a long time I was busy
second, I have to tell you the reasons I'm not running for msw
second, I have to tell you the reasons I'm not running for msw
- no non-ss can win.
- I hate how people are like.....this game became like a big big competition for them
Exactly, that's what I mean..... and now I think that by prizes giving and broadcast revolution who deserves to win won't win (I don't deserve to win) ....
But we all have disagreements & agreements
Any thoughts , comment :) thank you
Thursday, September 1, 2011
New Store~Mortal Kiss Fools Silver
The new 'Mortal Kiss' inspired store is here! It has silver and gray items(since the newest story is "Fools Silver"). It is expensive compared to the last Mortal Kiss store. I only like a few of the items. Will you be buying from here?

New Store~Opulence
The new starplaza furniture store is here. It is called Opulence and it has Greek/French styled furniture. It varies from 60 starcoins to 32 stardollars. Here is a picture of the stores below.

Free Miss Stardoll World Items

New MSW items are here. To get them go to the link below. I absoulutely LOVE the dress and the picture is handy to have. What do you think of these?
Free Rebecca Bonbon Shirt
Monday, August 29, 2011
Graphic Designer&Another Writer Needed!
We are currently looking for a graphic designer to be able to make cool logos and update the blog. The other writer we are looking for is someone who writes good though who is from the UK. Apply under the tab 'Apply Here' and the post beneath this one. It will tell you what to do.
*If you do not go to the tab 'Apply Here' you will be at the Miss Stardoll World post*
*If you do not go to the tab 'Apply Here' you will be at the Miss Stardoll World post*
Saturday, August 27, 2011
123,456,789 Million Members Freebies

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hey gorgeous ,medolls ok maybe I'm late in here but here it goes I was so happy to read this ... so as sad as I was for the MSW contest only being available for 17 countries (Egypt not included)I was checking out the news which lead me to the Facebook page which said that all countries CAN participate ..don't believe me check this out ..... and hurry only 2 weeks left ...
and more to know ..later on there will be an MSW best blog contest
(about msw) so here you go guys buy these clothes and start making the best stardoll ever I know I will be doing that!!
note: the grand prize will be an ipod touch
So here's the scheudle
August 29:1st round
- You can vote for anyone (not only your country)
- You can vote as many times as you like
- You can only vote for one specific person a day
- You have to have at least 400 starpoints to vote (same as joining)
- 680 semi finalists
- 20 semi finalists for the 30 most voted for countries ( you are not allowed to vote for anyone in another country than yours)
- 20 semi finalists from each of the 4 continents America, Europe ,Africa & Asia (you are not allowed to vote for anyone in another Continent than yours
- 34 finalists
- 1 finalist from each of the 30 countries (MSW country winners)
- 1 finalist from each of the 4 continetnts (continets queens)
Disney Fashion Lounge Club&Freebies
Join the club Disney Fashion lounge by goign to this link, and you get a free shake it up dancefloor.

Monday, August 15, 2011
Mortal Kiss Fools Silver
Miss Stardoll World 2011

MSW is back! Will you be entering for it? For those of you who don't know Miss Star doll World(aka MSW) is a huge Cover girl competition. You enter and then people vote for you. There are 3 rounds of voting, the first is people voting for the top doll of the country, the second round is voting for the top dolls of each country and the third round is voting for the top dolls of the world! This is the second annual MSW, last year won a free year membership and LOTS of free outfits. The finalists are in October and it begins late in August. The only countries that are able to compete are, USA, UK, Poland, Ireland, France, Sweden, Australia, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Netherlands, Turkey, Portugal, Finland, Russia, Spain, Greece and Saudi Arabia. Good luck me dolls!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Ramadan Calendar !
Hey gorgeous medolls , this is mainly to Egyptians because I don't think the Ramadan Calendar is available for non-Egyptians maybe available for Arabians though.... well to check it out click here
well fast you people before Ramadan is over!
For you who don't know the Ramadan calender is full of several offers of clothes (most of them you have to buy) NOTE: A PIECE IS UNAVAILABLE AS SOON AS ANOTHER DAY PASSES ~Emy♥Paramore~

Hey gorgeous medolls, I'm the new author on this blog and I'm so excited to start writing things here.
So get to know me
I'm Eman from Egypt
I log in stardoll daily
my stardoll username is Hinata331
I enjoy writing a lot
and that's all you need to know about me.
Tomorrow I'll hopefully start my first real post.
So here's a simple request could you please invite your friends to follow ..because I think that 123sprinkles (owner) has got great cheats and ideas for the blog
Finally thank you for giving me your time , I promise you I won't be disappointing
So get to know me
I'm Eman from Egypt
I log in stardoll daily
my stardoll username is Hinata331
I enjoy writing a lot
and that's all you need to know about me.
Tomorrow I'll hopefully start my first real post.
So here's a simple request could you please invite your friends to follow ..because I think that 123sprinkles (owner) has got great cheats and ideas for the blog
Finally thank you for giving me your time , I promise you I won't be disappointing
Hidden Stores/Dolls
Hidden Stores
L'Occitane En Province,26829,26830,26831,26832,26833,26834,26835,26836,26837,26838,26839
I Love France Shirt
Hidden Dolls
Alice in Wonderland:
Moxie dolls:
Moxie Teen Arizona:
Moxie Teen Bijou:
Moxie Teen Melrose:
Moxie Teen Tristen:
Flower Fairy:
Black Star:
The Last Song Miley Cyrus:
Monster High dolls:
Forbidden Rose (Avril Lavigne):
Beauty and the Beast:
Crafting Mama:
L'Occitane En Province,26829,26830,26831,26832,26833,26834,26835,26836,26837,26838,26839
I Love France Shirt
Hidden Dolls
Alice in Wonderland:
Moxie dolls:
Moxie Teen Arizona:
Moxie Teen Bijou:
Moxie Teen Melrose:
Moxie Teen Tristen:
Flower Fairy:
Black Star:
The Last Song Miley Cyrus:
Monster High dolls:
Forbidden Rose (Avril Lavigne):
Beauty and the Beast:
Crafting Mama:
If you would like to apply for a job here you can't be from the USA(we need writers from other countries since I am from the USA). You have to be on Stardoll at least everyday and be commited to the job. You have to be a good writer and be nice to others and you can't say anything derogatory about others or things. Please fill out this form and leave it in the comments and I will get back to you ASAP. I am the only writer so I am excited to get this going!
Stardoll Username-
Why you want to write here-
Other things to know about you that are useful-
Stardoll Username-
Why you want to write here-
Other things to know about you that are useful-
Silk Road Part ll Contest&Freebie
Stardoll BonBon Club&Freebies
The new Rebecca BonBon club is here. This is inspired by the real life Rebecca BonBon brand at Kmart. When you join you automatically get a Rebecca BonBon for your suite(Rebecca BonBon is the black and white cat). In this club the prizes are given as people join so you better hurry up and join!
Click the link below to join
Click the link below to join

Five Star Club&Freebies
The new Five Star back-to-school brand inspired club is here. They have some really cute things you can get. To get these you have to join the club,though if you join to late you won't get everything. The prizes are given as more members join. When anyone joins at anytime you get a red Five Star folder. You better join fast because the items are going fast!
Click the link below to join!
Click the link below to join!

New Minimalism Store in Starplaza

Hot buys Firework Dress
August's hot buys firework dress is out and popping! The firework dress has a top that's draped like a kimono and a bottom that's a pleated maroon skirt with light pink firework designs on it. For 24Sd this isn't much more than the beatlemania dress and this is a pretty hot buy. The real version is inspired by Halston Heritage and sells for $495.00. Here is a picture of both below.

Hot buys Beatlemania Dress
This month's decades hot buy is the Beatlemania dress. What do you think of this? It has a 50's charm to it with sprinkle of modern. It's a cute dress and it sells for 23Sd which isn't that bad for a hot buy. No one is really sure who is the real version of this dress. I think its this dress because the styles the same and the dots(except for size of the dots of course).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Rio Chicas Hotbuys Leopard Stole
Rio's new hotbuy is out. Do you like this? This is cute but not really for my taste. This is inspired by, Anna Sui. The panda hat was also by Anna Sui.

Monday, August 8, 2011
Givenchy Tribute
Hotbuys Chinoise Blazer
The new hotbuy is out. For 21sd you can buy the Chinoise Blazer. It is a white coat with a single button and has floral designs all over it. Here is the real life version of it below. This piece is made by Armani Prive.

Sunday, August 7, 2011
First Week of Ramadan Calendar
The first weeks items from the ramadan calendar on Stardoll are out. What do you think of these? Also lots of people are asking, you can only get items on the calendar from the day before and the day it is. Hurry up and buy Ramadan inspired items!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
New SeaofStars Inspired Nail Polish
The newest nailpolish on stardoll is inspired by the "Sea of Stars". The light turquoise nail polish is free for royalty members. Most of these are leopard print. What do you think of these new polishes?
Stardolls Mistakes?
Now is it just me or do these Stardoll items look alike? Look at these Hotbuys turbans from July 2011 and the turban on the Windows Of the World mannequin 2 from the right.

Also in the new Sea of Stars store there is tights for 11sc and a dress for 26sc. Is this a mistake? What do you think of these price mishaps? The tights are in the first picture on the mannequin 3 from the left. The dress is on the second picture on the first mannequin on the left.

Comment and let us know what you think of all that is going on with Stardoll.
Alli (123sprinkles)

Also in the new Sea of Stars store there is tights for 11sc and a dress for 26sc. Is this a mistake? What do you think of these price mishaps? The tights are in the first picture on the mannequin 3 from the left. The dress is on the second picture on the first mannequin on the left.

Comment and let us know what you think of all that is going on with Stardoll.
Alli (123sprinkles)
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